Observed into Words
Just sayin'–My writings that aren't songs

As I change over the site, I am thinking about what to do about links. I like to give props but as a compulsive information junkie and ardent supporter and enthusiast of many things and many friends doing awesome things, I could list links upon links upon links.  So many sites are already doing this  [...]

Google knows I’m going to the Philippines.  I keep getting the same Asia-y tourist ads pop up now and while I never paid attention to ads, it is creepy to be getting only one kind of ad right now.  It is for the site I most used while researching my trip. And I am only [...]

Categories: Justice | Add a Comment

This is a an oldish post from fall that seemed to be stuck in drafts: A few years ago when I was at my mopiest (dad had just died, I abandoned my burgeoning career as a publicist to the stars and my record deal came and went to name a few highlights), I wrote a [...]