Observed into Words
Just sayin'–My writings that aren't songs

I should really like to be one–as I am in my living room but there are no cameras, and loungey chairs and coffee mugs and paychecks.  For now, I am just a private pontificator.  A self righteously indignant, opinionated expounder on a few subjects about which I am a quasi-expert.  Like everyone else.  


The guiltiest of my summer pleasures is a sugar free Slurpee from 711.  Now that I have three (yes three) in my ‘hood, they have become common occurrence in my weekly purchases.  The glowing red cherry apple slush in my 711 Slurpee cup is even more glaringly fake today, as I eyed those on line [...]

Categories: Music | Add a Comment

I am writing a song with the lyric “pinball” in it and went Googlin’ for some inspiration. This Sesame Street nostalgia came up.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12!  If you know it but don’t remember, or didn’t realize, it’s accompanying animation kicks off with a pull of the [...]

Borne balcony view

Barcelona was a destination to which I had wanted to return for over a decade. I spent a semester abroad in Madrid but had only stopped in Barcelona for a 2-day whirlwind “greatest hits” tour but I thought it magical, interestingly Spanish yet not exactly, and wanted to get back and see more. So it [...]

Categories: Music | Add a Comment

I was just asked: “what songs inspire me?” As a musician and music lover, I get super stressed when I have to answer these types of questions. So many songs inspire.Doesn’t any music that is great inspire? My recent song, The Music, is about just this…My best friend, my savior, in a big house all [...]

As I change over the site, I am thinking about what to do about links. I like to give props but as a compulsive information junkie and ardent supporter and enthusiast of many things and many friends doing awesome things, I could list links upon links upon links.  So many sites are already doing this  [...]

Google knows I’m going to the Philippines.  I keep getting the same Asia-y tourist ads pop up now and while I never paid attention to ads, it is creepy to be getting only one kind of ad right now.  It is for the site I most used while researching my trip. And I am only [...]

Categories: Justice | Add a Comment

This is a an oldish post from fall that seemed to be stuck in drafts: A few years ago when I was at my mopiest (dad had just died, I abandoned my burgeoning career as a publicist to the stars and my record deal came and went to name a few highlights), I wrote a [...]